10-year Anniversary

Our Open House will be on Thursday November 3rd from 5-9

Live Demos, Door Prizes, Great Deals!

Please Join us to celebrate Beauty and Success

Sublative &


Healthy Skin

Sublative is the only technology proven to reduce moderate to severe acne scars for all skin types

The Sublative™ RF applicator is designed to deliver radiofrequency energy to the skin in a fractional manner, via an array of multi-electrode pins. The array delivers bipolar RF energy to the skin.

Sublative Rejuvenation is a new kind of safe and effective cosmetic technology that works on virtually all skin tones. It is neither laser- nor light-based. Instead, it harnesses the power of fractionated bi-polar radio frequency (also known as gentle energy currents) to deeply penetrate the skin and stimulate collagen production beneath the surface while keeping the outer layer of skin intact. Unlike other non-aggressive procedures like Botox, fillers or chemical peels, Sublative works from within. It is based upon the same type of ultrasound used for body scans and tests during pregnancy. Energy from the ultrasound, when used to treat sagging skin, activates the production of new collagen.

eMatrix Sublative Rejuvenation produces the same kind of results as aggressive procedures without the pain, downtime, side effects or cost. There is no visible injury to the skin’s outer layers. Focused energy currents are applied to the skin in a matrix, bypassing the upper layers of the skin and stimulating the natural production of collagen at the source. This “resets” the body’s regenerative process, which is why results continue to improve over time. Gentle heat is delivered at the underlying connective tissue where the skin joins the muscle—the same layer that is tightened during a conventional facelift. This tissue is gently heated, causing it to contract and eventually lift. As a result, formerly loose skin appears subtly tightened.

Sublative is an intelligent technology. Doctors are able to get feedback on how the energy is impacting the underlying layers of skin on a screen during the procedure, so the treatment can be precisely targeted. Radio frequency waves penetrate the skin through small pinholes to stimulate collagen growth from the inside.

How does eMatrix Sublative Rejuvenation work?
The ergonomic Sublative applicator delivers bipolar radio frequency energy via a matrix of 64 electrodes in the disposable applicator tip. The RF energy generates fractional deep dermal heating in the region of the electrode matrix to induce skin injury, thus eliciting a wound healing response. Mild to moderate wrinkles and superficial skin discolouration are reduced, and skin texture becomes more smooth and elastic.

Who should be treated with eMatrix Sublative Rejuvenation?
Treatment is a safe and effective solution for all skin types.

How is the eMatrix Sublative Rejuvenation treatment tolerated by patients?
During treatment, many patients feel a warm, prickly sensation as energy enters their skin. After treatment, a pink or red “sunburn” appearance and feeling is also common. Topical anesthetic ointments and cooling are often used to reduce discomfort during treatment.

When can patients expect to see results?
Typical treatment protocol is three treatments, 4 – 6 weeks apart. The total number of required treatment sessions depends on the skin condition of the patient.

Call today to book your consultation or to learn more!